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Codeception 2.4 released


Hello everyone! We’d like to announce the immediate availability of Codeception 2.4.0. This follows up the PHPUnit 7.0 release and mostly contains compatibility fixes for latest PHPUnit. Internal usage of PHPUnit in Codeception was switched to new namespaced class names. This doesn’t break any public APIs but can break some setups. That’s why this is a minor release with a proper announcement. Please upgrade and unless you have some PHPUnit version conflict you should not experience any issues.

Codeception 2.4.0 is a stability release. We also dropped unmaintained PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5. But we keep compatibility with PHP 5.6 so if your company still uses PHP 5 (and we understand business reasons) you can install this update too. Codeception is still going to be maintained with PHP 5.6 compatibility in mind. We don’t break API just for the sake of clean code. We try to make things reliable.

In the same Codeception 2.3.9 is released time so if you want to get the latest changes and you still use old PHP, upgrade to this version.

In Codeception 2.4 you will also find new hooks for Cest files:

  • _passed is called when a test inside Cest is successful
  • _failed is called for unsuccessful tests
  • _after is called at the end of a test for both cases.

Previously _after hook worked as _passed and that behavior was confusing. This was changed so it can be potentially a breaking change as well.

See changelog for the complete list of fixes and improvements.

We also launched Codeception Slack to talk about testing and Codeception.

Join Slack

We’d also love to see more contributors there. We need more talented developers to help to bring new features and fix the issues. It’s opensource, after all. We face constant challenges: new APIs, new libraries, new approaches, etc. And Codeception as a really big project would benefit from any help. We are open to accepting new maintainers, to discuss trends, to build a better product! As you know, we are merging 90% of submitted Pull Requests so if you are not contributing, please go ahead!

We try to keep Codeception going and bring more releases to you. If your company uses this framework and you’d like to give back please consider sponsoring Codeception. That’s right. We are asking to invest into open source, to get the features you expect and to give back to open source.

Sponsor Codeception

Please show this form to your company bosses. If you want to have stable reliable product it’s ok to pay for that. Be our first official sponsors!

Yes, we also provide enterprise support and trainings. This is another way you can support the development. Thank you!

Codeception 2.5: Snapshots


The Autumn is a good time to start something new. How about new Codeception? As you know, each minor release indicates some important change, new features we wanted to share. This time we want to introduce you to


That’s the new feature, which might be useful if you are tired of harcoding your data into fixtures. For instance, when you test the search engine you don’t know the exact list of items to check, however, you are interested that the list would be the same every time for a search term. What about API responses? You don’t want to hardcode it fully but you may want to check that response is the same as it was before.

So now Codeception can do what php-vcr was doing all the time. Saving data into the file (called snapshot), and comparing with it on next runs.

This is nice feature for testing REST APIs.

Let’s assume you have such JSON response.

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName" : "doe",
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type"  : "iPhone",
      "number": "0123-4567-8888"
      "type"  : "home",
      "number": "0123-4567-8910"

And you want to check that phone numbers are the same on each run. For this we can use a snapshot.

namespace Snapshot;

class PhoneNumberSnapshot extends Codeception\Snapshot {
    /** @var \ApiTester */
    protected $i;

    public function __construct(\ApiTester $I)
        $this->i = $I;

    protected function fetchData()
        // return an array of phone numbers
        return $this->i->grabDataFromResponseByJsonPath('$.phoneNumbers[*].number');


Then in test we can check if data matches the snapshot by calling the snapshot class:

public function testUsers(ApiTester $I, \Snapshot\PhoneNumberSnapshot $shapsnot)

If the data changes, snapshot is easy to update. Just run the test in --debug mode. The snapshot will be overwritten with a new data.

So, the good thing about snapshots:

  • you don’t keep flaky data in your code
  • you don’t need to hardcode data values
  • data can be easily updated on change

Use them!

There are also some other minor changes:

  • Db module now supports multiple database connections. If you use few databases we got you covered! That was a long awaited feature and finally we have a very nice implementation from @eXorus.
  • --seed parameter added to run so you could rerun the tests in same order. This feature works only if you enabled shuffle mode.
  • Possible breaking: seeLink behavior changed.
    • Previous: $I->seeLink('Delete','/post/1'); matches <a href="/post/199">Delete</a>
    • Now: $I->seeLink('Delete','/post/1'); does NOT match <a href="/post/199">Delete</a>

See changelog for the complete list of fixes and improvements.

Thanks to all our contributors who made this release happen!

Call to Sponsors!

We try to keep Codeception going and bring more releases to you. If your company uses this framework and you’d like to give back please consider sponsoring Codeception. That’s right. We are asking to invest into open source, to get the features you expect and to give back to open source.

For instance, how would you like improving stability of WebDriver tests? It would be cool to automatically retry failed steps and rerun failed tests. These could be a very cool features but they can’t be made without your help.

If you are interested consider sponsoring us:

Sponsor Codeception

Yes, we also provide enterprise support and trainings. This is another way you can support the development. Thank you!

Codeception 3.0


It’s finally time to bring a new major version of Codeception to live! Through years of evolution and constant improvements we learned a lot and today we think we are bringing to you the best Codeception version so far. We still belove that simplicity of testing is important, that test code should be easy to read, write, and debug. And if you are reading this post you probably already discovered that.

Maintaining such project that tries to embrace all kind of frameworks and CMSes, from Symfony to WordPress, from Laravel to Magento, is challenging, but what we see that people from those communities send us patches regularly. Probably, our philosophy - separate tests from the framework, share similar solutions via modules, shows the way. And our awesome community continue to improve this project. Hey, just look into our changelog. Even patch releases contain HUGE list of improvements!

Ok, so what about Codeception 3.0?

Breaking Changes

PHPUnit 8 Support

In 3.0 release we didn’t break a lot of stuff. We tried, but probably we just leave that for next major release. So we do not bump supported PHP version. We are still PHP 5.6+ compatible, just because testing should be available for everyone. We still support all major frameworks and we keep PHPUnit 6, and PHPUnit 7 compatibility.

However, keeping all that parts together is hard. So we assume, in 3.0 you can get possible breaking change, as we bring PHPUnit 8 support. For everything else, the upgrade should be smooth for you. If you face issues upgrading, go and change phpunit version to 6 or 7 in your composer.json:

"phpunit/phpunit": "^7.0"

We say thank you to our core contributor @Naktibalda to bring PHPUnit 8 support without breaking compatibilitiy. That was huge job, and if you look into our codeception/phpunit-wrapper project you will understand why.

Modules Removed

We also decided to drop some of old modules, which we hope no one uses. Here they are

  • AngularJS - it worked only for Angular 1
  • ZF1 - framework outdated
  • Yii1 - framework outdated
  • Silex - framework outdated
  • Facebook - module not maintained
  • XMLRPC - module not maintained

If you need them, just copy their code from the 2.5 branch and create a custom helper. However, we won’t support them any longer.

Changed Defaults

If you use multi-session testing and $I->haveFriend commands, you will see your tests fail. Friend methods no longer included into Codeception\Actor class, so you should add them manually. In your AcceptanceTester class (or other class which uses multi session testing) include Codeception\Lib\Actor\Shared trait:

class AcceptanceTester extends \Codeception\Actor
    use _generated\AcceptanceTesterActions;
    use \Codeception\Lib\Actor\Shared\Friend;

We also disabled conditional assertions for new setups (as people regularly misuse them), so if you want to use canSee methods you will need to enable them. We will take a look on that in next sections of this post.


M-m-m… Now the most tasty thing. Yes, we wouldn’t do the major release without new features. Thanks to sponsorship from Seravo we could finish some features we had in our roadmap.

Improved Interactive Shell

This feature was backported from our friendly project CodeceptJS. It brings a new full featured REPL interface into a test, so you could pause test execution and fire different commands into console.

This feature absolutely changes the way you write your functional and acceptance tests. Instead of blindly trying different commands and restart tests all the time, you could write:


And start typing commands one by one, writing a test step by step. You copy successful commands into your tests, and in the end you get a fully working test. If you use WebDriver, you could write a complete acceptance test using one browser session.

Unlike, previous interactive shell implementation, this one based on hoa/console, so you can use Left, Right keys to edit your input. Better to show it.

Learn more about using interactive shell in our updated Getting Started guide

Try & Retry

Those features were introduced to make browser testing less painful. In the world full of JavaScript and Single Page Applications, you can no longer rely on single click, or fillField commands. Sometimes you need to retry action few times to make perform it.

Now you can do that via retry* actions which can help to stabilize flaky steps in your tests:

// use

// instead of just

This feature was also ported from CodeceptJS but implemented a bit differently. Learn how to use it in updated Acceptance Testing guide.

What if your site behaves differently in different environments? Like showing the “Cookie” badge depending on region? And you need to accept cookies notifications if the badge is shown? You can do it via tryTo* actions:

if ($I->tryToSeeElement('.alert.cookie')) {
  $I->click('Accept', '.cookie');

Thanks to Iain Poulson from Delicious Brains for showing this use case

Learn how to use it in updated Acceptance Testing guide.

Try and Retry were implemented as Step Decorators. As you know, actor classes contain code generated parts, and step decorators allow to generate additional actions by wrapping methods of modules. Conditional Assertions (canSee* methods) were refactored as step decorators too. So you need to enable them explicitly on new setups.

Artifacts in Output

Failed tests now contain list of all available artifcats. For REST API test each test will contain a body of last response to simplify debugging on CI servers.

Install or Upgrade

Codeception 3.0 is as easy to upgrade as bumping version to ^3.0 in composer.json:

"codeception/codeception": "^3.0"

Also please read the changelog for more details.

Final Notes

Thanks for everyone who have been with us all this years and who helps making Codeception better every day. Again, thanks to Naktibalda for taking care of maintaining minor releases and building compatibility bridge.

Thanks to Otto Kekäläinen from Seravo for generous donation.

And a few words from Michael Bodnarchuk, who started Codeception 8 years ago:

As a person who is interested in quality and testing I was interested in answering the question: what needs to be tested at first place. And the best answer I found so far is to get that information from the user feedback. Sometimes, a bug can be found only by a regular user, without causing a stack trace. And what I’d love to see, that users of web site or web application could submit such bugreports instantly. That’s why I built Bugira Bugtracker, my new SaaS product to get bugreports from your users. If you like my projects like Codeception or CodeceptJS, please try Bugira as well. It will help you to establish better communication with you users and build a better products!

Codeception 4.0 and beyond


Today we would like to share our plans for the future of Codeception. We are going to release two major versions soon and we are ready to do so! If you want to stay on board and get the latest updates, please read this post carefully. We will explain the reasoning behind the new release process and the upgrade path, which should be pretty simple to you!

As you know, we are very proud of our policy of keeping backward compatible releases. We know that tests should be stable and reliable at first. If a business is still powered by PHP 5.6, this is a business issue, and we can’t force a company to upgrade all their servers and processes just to support some more testing.

Codeception 4.0 is coming, 5.0 is on the way. Be prepared!

However, keeping backward compatibility is harder and harder because of our dependencies - PHPUnit & Symfony. They all go forward, break API and require newer versions of PHP and to follow them we need to do the same.

But can’t leave you without upgrades even if you don’t plan to switch to the latest Symfony or PHPUnit. That’s why we announce decoupling of Codeception.

That’s right! Since Codeception 4.0 the core will be separated from Codeception modules and extensions. This allows you to get the latest updates for the modules you use while keeping running Codeception on PHP 5.6+ with your set of dependencies.

See all modules decoupled at Codeception organization

After Symfony 5 is released we will release Codeception 5.0, with a direct dependency on Symfony 5 components. If you never plan to upgrade to Symfony 5 you can keep using Codeception 4, as (again) all modules are independent of the core. Codeception 5 (and upcoming versions) will support only the latest major versions of Symfony & PHPUnit.

Transforming into a new release takes time and requires hard work from the Codeception team. Many thanks go to Gintautas Miselis @Naktibalda for doing the hardest work on splitting modules into repositories. Maintaining many repositories instead of one also requires more involvement from us. It would be easier for us just to release major versions every year and ask you to upgrade. But we didn’t do that. We care about you.

That’s why we ask you to sponsor development of Codeception. Please talk to your boss, to your CTO, to your marketing team, to your CEO. Tell that reliable software comes with a cost and if tests save your life, it’s a good time to give back!

Now you donate in a few clicks on OpenCollective!

Sponsor Codeception

Sponsors receive priority support from our team, can ask for consulting, and add their logo on our website! Over 15K PHP developers visit our website monthly. If your brand needs to be recognizable in the PHP community - sponsoring Codeception is a very good opportunity for you!

From your side, we will prepare an upgrade script from version 3.x to 4.x. So once Codeception 4.0 is released you will be able to run a smooth upgrade.

We won’t accept patches to 3.1 branch, so please send your pull requests to the corresponding module repositories or to 4.0 branch of the core.

A few notes on a new release process:

  • Each module will be released independently. You won’t need to wait for a month for a patch.
  • Documentation for modules on codeception.com will be updated each month.
  • Phar will contain only framework-agnostic modules (PhpBrowser, WebDriver, REST, Db) and will have a rolling weekly release.

Official 4.0 release announcement coming soon as we need to prepare our website site and update documentation. Stay tuned and consider donating Codeception. We require your support these days!

Codeception 4.0 Released


We are finally here!

Codeception 4.0 is released and this means a lot for us!

After long months on splitting core into modules, publishing new packages and setting up build pipelines, we are proud to show you the result.

As you know - Codeception 4 changes the way it is installed. From now on, Codeception package won’t include any modules by default and you will need to install them manually. This can be a bit annoying at first but in the end, this will allow you to upgrade each package individually and not relying on the core.

In Codeception 4 we also added support for Symfony 5, so if you plan to use the latest Symfony components - you need to upgrade today.

Upgrade to Codeception 4

To start upgrading to Codeception 4 bump a version in composer.json and run composer update.

"codeception/codeception": "^4.0"

To simplify the upgrading process we introduced an upgrade script which will go through your config file and scan for all included modules. Corresponding packages will be added to composer.json, so you could install all Codeception modules you need.

Run upgrade script on current project:

php vendor/bin/codecept init upgrade4

The script will upgrade your composer.json file and it is recommended to run composer update immediately, so new modules will be installed.

If you use several Codeception configs for multiple bundles you will need to execute upgrade script for each of them:

php vendor/bin/codecept init upgrade4 -c src/app/frontend/

Congratulations! An upgrade is done. Now you will be able to use each module individually.

Thanks to Gintautas Miselis @Naktibalda for splitting the core and adding Symfony 5 support

Phar Distribution

Codeception 4.0 will provide two phar files with selected modules included. One file will target PHP 7.2+ and include Symfony 4.4, PHPUnit 8 and newer versions of other libraries. Another file will target PHP 5.6 - 7.1 and include Symfony 3.4 and PHPUnit 5.7.

Target audience of phar files is acceptance testers, so framework modules won’t be included. Here is the full list of bundled modules:

  • Amqp
  • Apc
  • Asserts
  • Cli
  • Db
  • FileSystem
  • FTP
  • Memcache
  • Mongodb
  • PhpBrowser
  • Queue
  • Redis
  • Rest
  • Sequence
  • Soap
  • Webdriver

Phar files will no longer be built on release of codeception/codeception, but on more ad-hoc basis either monthly or after important changes to core or some bundled module.

What’s new in 4.0

Since 4.0 our longread changelogs are gone. So to track changes in modules you will need to go to corresponding repositories and read changelogs. For instance, here is the changelog for Db module.

However, we will still publish changelogs for core changes here. And one of the most interesting features coming to Codeception 4 is command stashing in interactive pause.

Codeception 3.0 introduced interactive pause for better writing and debugging tests. By adding $I->pause() to your tests you could try all Codeception commands while a test will be interrupted. This helps for browser testing and framework testing, so you could try commands in action before leaving a test.

In Codeception 4.0 this instrument was improved so you could automatically stash all successful commands:

Use hotkeys to save successful commands into a file. So you no longer need to keep in mind which commands you need to take into your test. Just copy all successful commands and paste them into a test.

Stashing was brought to you by Poh Nean

Thank you for using Codeception, and thank you for staying with us these years. It is December 2019, so it means that Codeception turns 8. Through these years we reached 15Mln installations on Packagist, we are used in some well-known companies and we became a valuable part of PHP ecosystem.

We accept congratulations in Twitter or on OpenCollective. If your business gets some value from Codeception it is ok to support its maintainers. Especially, today, when we have to maintain not one repository but 32! So, if possible, talk to your boss and ask for sponsoring Codeception. This means a lot to us, Codeception Team, and it will motivate us to work more on Codeception.

We say “thank you” to all our current and previous sponsors:

  • Thanks to ThemeIsle for becoming our first regular financial contributor
  • Thanks to Sami Greenbury, Lars Moelleken, Dan Untenzu for investing their own money into open-source
  • Thanks to Rebilly and 2Amigos who fully supported the development since 2013 till 2016
  • Thanks to Seravo for sponsoring Codeception 3.0 release.

That’s all. Upgrade to Codeception 4 and improve your testing!

Introduction to Codeception


We build web sites with PHP, we build web services and web applications. But is PHP good enough for testing them?

How often do you see PHP projects with no line of test written? From my experience, this situation happens quite often. We should state the unpleasant fact that tests are not so popular around the PHP world. Surely, the advanced developers with 5+ years of experience in PHP and other programming languages understand importance of testing and PHPUnit usage. But juniors and seniors are just skipping testing and, therefore, produce unstable web applications.

From my point of view, the key issue is not in developers themselves. They are pretty good and skilled. But it is PHP that lacks the tools for testing. If you write a site and you want to test its behavior, what is the natural way to do so? Selenium? PHPUnit + Selenium? This tools are powerful, but too complex. Using them is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

For the last two months I have been developing a simple, yet powerful alternative testing framework: Codeception. It focuses on making tests easy to read, easy to write and easy to debug. This code illustrates a common acceptance test in Codeception:

$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('create new blog post');
$I->click('Create new post');
$I->fillField('Title','Codeception, a new way of testing!');
$I->fillField('Text','Codeception is new PHP full-stack testing framework.');
$I->see('Congratulations, your post is successfully created!');

It’s pretty clear, isn’t it? But here goes another feature of Codeception: this code can be executed as a functional test in symfony, Symfony2, Zend Framework, with PHP web scrapper Goutte, or even with Selenium!

Codeception is all about behavior-driven testing. For each part of application you describe user actions and the results you are expecting them to see. Users interact with your web application through a web browser. They open the page, click on links, fill the forms, and in the end they see the site has generated a proper result in response. In Codeception you record user’s steps and make testing engine reproduce them. You need a web server running to perform requests through a web browser.

Writing tests is just about choosing actions from a list and injecting proper parameters. IDE autocomplition demo

If you are ready to start writing first Codeception test, just follow the installation steps. After you install package and its dependencies, select a project you want to test (I suppose you have one) and run a bootstrap command in its root:

$ codecept bootstrap

It creates a ‘tests’ directory with 3 default testing suites:

  • acceptance
  • functional
  • unit

Let’s start with the sample acceptance test. We shall save it into ‘tests/acceptance/StartPageCept.php’.

$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantToTest('front page of my site');
$I->see('A sample text on my site');

Replace ‘A sample text on my site’ with the text that actually is on your site. To make it run we should start a local web server with the tested application. The URL of this application should be specified in suite configuration file: ‘tests/acceptance.suite.yml’.

            url: 'here goes url'

Now a test can be executed with the command run:

$ codecept run acceptance

Then the result is shown:

Suite acceptance started
Trying to see front page of my site (StartPageCept) - Ok

Time: 1 second, Memory: 21.00Mb

OK (1 test, 1 assertions)

Now let’s see how forms can be tested. Perhaps the most often used forms are login forms.

$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('log in as regular user');
$I->see('Hello, davert');

The ‘fillField’ and ‘click’ command take element name or CSS selector as paramater. Thus, if you don’t use labels for fields, you can rewrite this scenario in the following way:

$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('log in as regular user');
$I->fillField('form#login input[name=login]','davert');
$I->fillField('form#login input[name=password]','qwerty');
$I->click('form#login input[type=submit]');
$I->see('Hello, davert');

Or this can be shortened to a single command:

$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('log in as regular user');
$I->submitForm('form#login', array('login' => 'davert', 'password' => 'qwerty'));
$I->see('Hello, davert');

As you can see, tests in Codeception look pretty simple and compact. Testing environment is prepared out of the box, no need for the bootstrap code to be written. You can compare Codeception to Behat, to PHP DSL, but Codeception can do much more than executing scenarios. As you’ve already seen, it’s not limited to acceptance tests only.

Codeception is fully documented, look into the guides for full reference. Codeception is in beta-version, but it will evolve. Use it. Test your applications. Make them stable.

Next time functional tests will be covered.

Released 1.0.1. Please update


This relese fixes two reported bugs.

  • using see commands on pages with <!DOCTYPE
  • using see commands with non-latin characters. PhpBrowser, Selenium, Frameworks modules were updated.

Please update your version via PEAR:

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or download updated Phar package. It’s important to update Codeception now.

In next releases an automatic updater will be added.

Behavior Driven Testing with Zend Framework


Codeception is testing framework in which all tests are written in a single descriptive manner. It’s aim is to make tests easy to read, easy to write and easy to debug. Every single test you write can be run either in Selenium, in PHP Browser emulator, or as a functional test for Zend Framework. Today we will look how Codeception can be used for testing your Zend application.

Most of CRUD applications use forms for creating or editing content. It’s hard to test every form on site after each release manually. But we will automate this process. For testing Zend applications you probably used it’s Zend_Test_PHPUnit class, which is build on top of PHPUnit’s TestCase. Codeception is built on top of PHPUnit too. And takes similar approaches from Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase. But commands available in tests being made intuitively simple and much more human friendly then they are in Zend_Test_PHPUnit.

We take a code from Zend_Test_PHPUnit tutorial:

// Zend_Test_PHPUnit
'username' => 'foobar',
'password' => 'foobar'

$this->assertQueryContentContains('h2', 'User: foobar');

and reproducing it for Codeception:

// Codeception
$I->submitForm('form#loginForm', array('username' => 'foobar', 'password' => 'foobar'));
$I->see('User: foobar', 'h2');

It’s only 4 lines long, but it does the same as the test above. It tests logging in on site, nothing more, nothing less. We can expect user is logged in if he was moved from ‘/user’ page, to ‘/user/view’ and username is in Heading2 element of that page.

Codeception won’t perform asserts for application internals as module/controller/action, as this is not natural to bound functionality into one place. A small refactoring will completely break a test, even if application is running perfectly. For the same reasons Codeception doesn’t provide analog for assertQueryCount or assertQuery, because they test a markup probably unseen to user. If a element on page has changed a test will fail, still application can work perfectly. We are testing only elements user can interact with and user can see. This makes tests more stable and drives us to less false negative results.

All the assertXXXX commands is replaced with natural ‘see’ commands.

  • see - checks if text or element with text is on page
  • seeInCurrentUrl - checks if a url contains specified value
  • seeLink - checks link exist on page
  • seeInField
  • seeCheckboxIsChecked
  • etc…

This commands can accept either CSS locators or element names.

With Codeception you can write tests that will be executed inside a Zend Framework, but will simulate user actions with less technical code. As every test should be readable and thus simple definitions in terms “I do that”, “I see this” are better to understand. Especially, if a test is read by new developer.

Today we are going to write tests for open source blog application Lilypad-Zend-Framework-Blog. We assume you already have Zend Framework intalled.

It can be taken from GitHub:

git clone git://github.com/Codeception/ZFBlog.git

Set up database and configure application/configs/application.ini to access it. Default settings are:

resources.db.adapter = "PDO_MYSQL"
resources.db.params.host = "localhost"
resources.db.params.username = "root"
resources.db.params.password = ""
resources.db.params.dbname = "zfblog"

Database should be populated with zend_blog.sql dump from the project root.

To start covering it with tests Codeception should be installed.

Run bootstrap command from root of ZFBlog:

$ codecept bootstrap
$ codecept build

This will create a default test suites. Now some steps for configuration should be done.

For interacting with Zend Framework a ZF1 module is used. It should be enabled in functional tests configuration: tests/functional.suite.yml. For database repopulation after each step add Db module too.

class_name: TestGuy
	enabled: [ZF1, Db, TestHelper]

We use default settings for ZF1 module to connect to ZFBlog application. We use ‘testing’ environment and ‘application.ini’ stored in it’s standard place: ‘application/configs/application.ini’. But Db module requires additional configuration. We need schema and default data was recreated for each test run. We have database dump, a file named zend_blog.sql in root of project. We should point Codeception to use it for database repopulation. Now update a codeption.yml config in project’s root and set proper db credentials.

    tests: tests
    log: tests/_log
    data: tests/_data
    helpers: tests/_helpers
    bootstrap: _bootstrap.php
    suite_class: \PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite
    colors: true
    memory_limit: 1024M
    log: true
            dsn: 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=zfblog'
            user: 'root'
            password: ''
            dump: zend_blog.sql

We configured Db credentials and database dump being used. Now let’s write some tests. In tests/functional let’s create file CreateBlogCept.php:

$I = new TestGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('create new blog post');
$I->see('Blog Editing');
$I->click('Add new blog');
$I->see('Add new blog');

Now a test can be run with command.

$ codecept run functional

And here is the expected result.

Codeception PHP Testing Framework v1.0.1
Powered by PHPUnit 3.6.4 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Suite functional started
Trying to  create new blog post (CreateBlogCept.php) - Ok

Time: 2 seconds, Memory: 21.00Mb

OK (1 test, 2 assertions)

To get detailed information of what steps were taken in test, run this command with –steps option. And this is what will be printed:

Trying to  create new blog post (CreateBlogCept.php)
* I am on page "/admin"
* I see "Blog Editing"
* I click "Add new blog"
* I see "Add new blog"

Also, all executed tests, steps performed and a results of execution, will be written to ‘tests/_log’ directory.

Try to create your own test for editing post. I hope you will like new way of testing Zend Application. Use Codeception to make your applications stable and predictable.

Support for Zend2 is coming soon.

Codeception 1.0.2 Released.


As you may know, Codeception a BDD-style testing framework has tools for cleaning up tested database between tests. This week tools for database repopulation in Codeception were improved and it’s usage was covered in new chapter of Guides. To get your database populated before tests, just provide an SQL dump and set up PDO connection. For functional and unit testing best way to clean up your database faster is not to pollute it at all. All database queries can be taken into transaction and rolled back at test end. This behavior is introduced within new Dbh module, and in ORM modules for Doctrine1 and Doctrine2. To speed up data repopulation in acceptance tests we recommend you to move database to SQLite.

Database repopulation is the subject of the new Guide: Working with Data was started. It explains different strategies for database cleanups and usage of fixtures in Codeception.

Codeception is now tested for loading and cleaning up SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL dumps.


  • configuration merged improperly (reported and fixed by zzmaster).
  • steps are printed in realtime and not buffered anymore.
  • asserts on html pages doesn’t echo all page texts for strings longer then 500 chars.
  • tests are sorted by name when loading.

Please update your version via PEAR:

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or download updated Phar package.

Codeception 1.0.3 Released. Generators and Agile Documentation.


This Codeception release is all about minor but useful features. Starting from 1.0.3 you will be notified on every new Codeception release from console. If you are not running tests, Codeception Cli application will check for new version and notify you if it is available.

$ codecept
UPDATE: version 1.0.3 released. See changes on: https://codeception.com.
Codeception version 1.0.2

There are new generators for empty tests: Cest and Cept files. Empty test suite can be generated too. Just check new ‘generate:’ commands.

Agile Documentation

But the most interesting generation feature is Agile Documentation. From now you can improve your documentation generated by DocBlox by appending test scenarios into text. With Codeception BDD approach to Unit Tests it’s easy to imagine every test as usage documentation.

The concept of Agile Documentation will be demonstrated in following example:

We have a sample static method for creating an entity Group. Which can be group of people in social network, for example. This method uses Doctrine 2 as ORM.

class Group {
	// This creates new group by user
	public static function create($name, $founder_id)
		$em = self::$entityManager;

		$group = new \Model\Group;

		return $group->getId();

This method requires Id of user who creates group and group name. Here is test for this function:

    public function create(\CodeGuy $I)
    	$user_id = Fixtures::get('valid_user')->getId();

        $I->wantTo('create group');
        $I->executeTestedMethodWith('DemoGroup', $user_id)
            ->seeInRepository('Model\Group', array('name' => 'DemoGroup', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'type' => 'group'))

This test is translated into documentation for Group::create method.

With this method I can create group

If I execute \Service\Group::create("DemoGroup",1)
I will see in repository "Model\Group",{"name":"DemoGroup","user_id": 1, "type": "group" }
I will see result is "int"

Codeception scans for all Cest files and for all classes passed to DocBlox. When tests match the function in documentation the test is processed and appended into function description.

To start using Codeception with DocBlox you should use the same project root for both projects, i.e. codeception.yml and docblox.xml should be in one directory. Include plugin into docblox.xml:

        <plugin path="{FULL-PATH-TO-PEAR}/Codeception/plugins/DocBlox/Codeception">

As you see, you should specify path to PEAR explicitly. This is DocBlox limitation. Plugins can be either local or provided with DocBlox distribution. I’m not sure how to deal with current Codeception plugin for DocBlox, so I asked this question on GitHub. I hope in near future a better solution will be proposed.


  • replaced suppressed errors with error elimination (thanks to jonphipps)
  • fixed scenario generations
  • fixed generation of html reports

Please update your version via PEAR:

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or download updated Phar package.

BDD Approach to Unit Testing with Codeception.


Codeception is new BDD-style testing framework for PHP. It makes testing easier than it was before. Yep, really. If you are not a fan of testing, that might as well be because you haven’t used the proper tools. We’ve already showed you how simple it is to automate testing for any web application by writing acceptance tests. Today we will dig deeper into the code and show you how it can be tested.

With BDD approach in Codeception, any test, even the unit test, is written as a scenario. By this scenario you declare what you are doing and what results you expect to see. In traditional xUnit scheme your test is just a piece of code that uses the method being tested. This piece of code becomes a mess when you test complex units depending on other classes or when you need to check data in a database, etc. Codeception always keeps your unit tests simple and readable.

I always start with a model example in the MVC pattern. I am not using any of existing PHP ORMs in the sample code, and this will make the code look a little bit weird. I’m doing this just to demonstrate testing process.

Here we’ve got a sample model class.

class User extends AbstractModel {
	public function create()
		if (!$this->isNew) throw new ModelException("User already created");		
		if (!$this->role) $this->role = 'member';

		if (!$this->validate()) throw new ValidationException("User is invalid");


Quite a complex method of ORM class, but its usage is really simple:

$user = new User;

How is this method tested with Codeception? First of all, we won’t be testing any inherited methods like validate or save. They belong to AbstractModel class and are to be tested there. The ‘create’ method is to be tested in full isolation. For this we will not use the actual User class, but its Stub, i.e. a class with some methods replaced by their dummies.


use Codeception\Util\Stub;

class UserCest {

	public $class = 'User';
	public function create(CodeGuy $I)
		$I->wantTo('create new user by name');
		$I->haveStub($user = Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'create'));



		$I->expect('user is validated and saved')		
			->seeMethodInvoked($user, 'validate')
			->seeMethodInvoked($user, 'save');

Here we have tested that the ‘validate’ and ‘save’ methods were actually invoked. We assume that ‘validate’ and ‘save’ are themselves tested; thus, they will work as expected. And if the test fails, we know the source of problem is the ‘create’ method itself.

However, the test doesn’t cover exceptions that may be thrown. Thus let’s improve it by making the validate method simulate exceptions.

use Codeception\Util\Stub;

class UserCest {

	public $class = 'User';
	public function create(CodeGuy $I)
		$I->wantTo('create new user by name');
		$I->haveStub($user = Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'create'));
		$I->haveStub($invalid_user = Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'create', array(
			'validate' => function () { return false; }



		$I->expect('user is validated and saved')		
			->seeMethodInvoked($user, 'validate')
			->seeMethodInvoked($user, 'save');
		$I->expect('exception is thrown for invalid user')
			->seeExceptionThrown('ValidationException','User is invalid');				
		$I->expect('exception is thrown while trying to create not new user')
			->changeProperty($user,'isNew', false)
			->seeExceptionThrown('ModelException', "User already created");

The only thing we haven’t cover in the test is user’s default role assertion. In case we store all column values as public variables, we can use the ‘seePropertyEquals’ method.


use Codeception\Util\Stub;

class UserCest {

	public $class = 'User';
	public function create(CodeGuy $I)
		$I->wantTo('create new user by name');
		$I->haveStub($user = Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'create'));
		$I->haveStub($invalid_user = Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'create', array(
			'validate' => function () { throw new Exception("invalid"); }



		$I->expect('user is validated and saved')	
			->seePropertyEquals($user, 'role', 'member')
			->seeMethodInvoked($user, 'validate')
			->seeMethodInvoked($user, 'save');
		$I->expect('exception is thrown for invalid user')
			->seeExceptionThrown('ValidationException','User is invalid');				
		$I->expect('exception is thrown while trying to create not new user')
			->changeProperty($user,'isNew', false)
			->seeExceptionThrown('ModelException', "User already created");

By this test we have 100% covered the ‘create’ method with test and isolated its environment. As a bonus, we can improve our documentation by the text of this scenario. If we use DocBlox, we can set up Codeception plugin and generate documentation for User class ‘create’ method.

With this method I can create new users by name.

Declared Variables:
* $user1 (User)
* $user2 (User)

If I execute $user1->create()

I expect user is validated and saved
I will see property equals $user1, 'role', 'member'
I will see method invoked $user1, 'validate'
I will see method invoked $user1, 'save'

I expect exception is thrown for invalid user
If I execute $user2->create()
I will see exception thrown 'ValidationException', 'invalid'

I expect exception is thrown while trying to create not new user
I change property $user1, 'isNew', false
If I execute $user1->create()
I will see exeception thrown 'ModelException', 'User already created'

We can say that the ‘create’ method is fully described by this text.


What we’ve got by writing the test for the create method of user class? We’ve made sure that by using this method the user is always validated and saved when created. We’ve also made sure the default role is ‘member’. Well, that’s all. But that’s all that ‘create’ function is doing.

For further reading on Codeception unit tests see our documentation.

In the next post we will simplify the model test by breaking some isolation rules. Subscribe to our RSS channel to stay in touch.

Codeception 1.0.4 Released. Behavior Driven Development.


This release brings a real behavior driven development to Codeception. Before that we talked about testing in BDD-style, but nothing about real development by behavior. There were just few changes made in code. More changes are coming to documentation.


With Behavior Driven Development you start development of class by writing it’s specifications. Specifications are written as methods of Cest class and start with ‘should’ word.


class EventMachineCest {

	$class = 'EventMachine';
	function shouldHaveInitialState() {}	
	function shouldMoveBetweenTransitions() {}
	function shouldMoveBetweenTransitionsOnCondition() {}

The EventMachine class in example above is not written, but we’ve already defined what to expect from it. After a basic requirements are specified we can take a deeper look into it and describe how it should be used. From this point your specifications become a valid Codeception tests.

class EventMachineCest  {

	$class = 'EventMachine';

	* @doc getState
	function shouldHaveInitialState(CodeGuy $I)
		$em = new EventMachine;
		$I->executeMethod($em, 'getState')

For full EventMachineCest example see my Gist on Github.

Codeception generates a pretty good documentation with DocBlox based on your scenario. The @doc annotation marks that a getState method documentation will be updated by current test scenario.

I want to have initial state

I execute method $eventMachine, 'getState'
I see result equals 'initial'


For making acceptnace tests usable for writing Stories we’ve added 2 new methods. It’s am and lookForwardTo which represent ‘As a …’ and ‘So that’ definitions from Story.

$I = new WebGuy();
$I->am('regular site user'); 		// As a regular user
$I->wantTo('create my blog page');  // I want to create my blog page
$I->lookForwardTo('get a cool blog here'); 	// So that I get a cool blog

$I->expect("blog can't be created twice");
$I->expect("blog has RSS feed");
$I->expect("am administrator of this blog");

After that Cept can be extended in a valid Cept file. Refer to this Gist demonstrates for example.


  • seeLink and dontSeeLink for acceptance tests were fixed. Thanks to Kanstantsin Kamkou.
  • comments are displayed in output as well as actions.
  • Selenium docs updated.

Please update your version via PEAR:

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or download updated Phar package.

Codeception 1.0.5 Released.


Almost every week Codeception gets a new release. I think it’s quite good tempo. Every release contains not only bugfixes but a new features too. I’m satisfied but today’s release, because all changes were made by new Codeception contributors. Thank you, guys!


A new module for Social Engine was created by Artem Kovradin. He took the code of Zend Framework module and adopted it for Social Engine, which is build with powered by Zend Framework. With now on, you can simply test you social networks built on top of Social Engine.


  • Windows command line problem solved, thanks to Morf
  • There were problem in functional tests for forms with no submits (‘<input type=”submit”’). This bug was pointed by svsool.

Also there were some encoding issues, but they are solved easily if you make sure your code and site has a UTF-8 encoding.

Thanks again to all contributors and reporters.

Please update your version via PEAR:

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or download updated Phar package.

Codeception 1.0.7 Released.


That was quite a long time after last version was released. This time we decided to skip version 1.0.6, just because 1.0.7 looks prettier.

With this release Codeception can be used in CI systems like Jenkins. It’s very easy: you just append ‘–xml’ option for running test and receive xml report in JUnit format stored in ‘tests/_log’ directory. Other popular formats like Json and TAP were added too. Here is a sample report.xml generated by Codeception test suite:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <testsuite name="acceptance" tests="9" assertions="29" failures="0" errors="0" time="41.532108">
    <testcase file="Cli\BuildCept.php" name="test build command (Cli\BuildCept.php)" assertions="5" time="4.016982"/>
    <testcase file="Cli\GenerateCeptCept.php" name="generate sample cept (Cli\GenerateCeptCept.php)" assertions="5" time="15.401255"/>
    <testcase file="Cli\GenerateCestCept.php" name="generate sample cest (Cli\GenerateCestCept.php)" assertions="3" time="3.742880"/>
    <testcase file="Cli\GenerateScenariosCept.php" name="generate scenarios (Cli\GenerateScenariosCept.php)" assertions="3" time="3.668740"/>
    <testcase file="Cli\GenerateSuiteCept.php" name="generate sample suite (Cli\GenerateSuiteCept.php)" assertions="4" time="4.706381"/>
    <testcase file="Cli\RunWithHtmlCept.php" name="check xml reports (Cli\RunWithHtmlCept.php)" assertions="1" time="2.428402"/>
    <testcase file="Cli\RunWithJsonCept.php" name="check json reports (Cli\RunWithJsonCept.php)" assertions="2" time="2.692029"/>
    <testcase file="Cli\RunWithTapCept.php" name="check tap reports (Cli\RunWithTapCept.php)" assertions="2" time="2.459026"/>
    <testcase file="Cli\RunWithXmlCept.php" name="check xml reports (Cli\RunWithXmlCept.php)" assertions="4" time="2.416413"/>

Currently this reports are not perfect as for different file formats and you may lack some important information. For this cases, please create issues on GitHub or in Q&A section.

Thanks to Nikita Groshin new module for Kohana Framework integration was added. Please, check it out for your Kohana projects and leave a feedback.


Also there were some encoding issues, but they are solved easily if you make sure your code and site has a UTF-8 encoding.

Thanks again to all contributors and reporters.

Please update your version via PEAR:

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or download updated Phar package.

Also you should update Mink, as it uses Zend Framework 2 beta 3 now for PHP browser. All Codeception dependencies can be updated with a single command.

$ codecept install

Codeception 1.0.8 Released.


From this release you can install Codeception via Composer. If you have fucked up with PEAR it’s a good idea to try out brand new Composer. It allows you to install Codeception with all it’s dependencies, even PHPUnit, without any usage of PEAR.

If you already use Composer add this lines int your composer.json to and update packages.

    "require": {
        "Codeception/Codeception": "*"
    "repositories": {
        "behat/mink-deps": {
            "type": "composer",
            "url":  "behat.org"

From now on you can run Codeception with

php vendor/bin/codecept

If you are new to composer but you are troubled with PEAR, the installation guide is updated for you.

Except this significant (but simple change) this release is all about bugfixing.

With the help of GitHub users ilex and nike-17 Kohana module was improved. Do you want to have a module for other frameworks? Maybe Yii, Fuel, CodeIgniter or Zend Framework 2? It’s really simple. You just need to write a proper connector and you can go with performing functional tests inside your application. Check the [Functional Testing]https://codeception.com/docs/05-FunctionalTests) section of documentation.

And some good news about documentation! Jon Phipps has done a great job on editing the docs. Soon it will be published here. I know my English is not perfect. So I really appreciate any help in editing and reviewing documentation or blog posts.

Thanks to Sergii Grebeniuk for a small patch on autoloading.

There was not too much unique features in this release. Maybe you have some ideas on what should be improved?

New Codeception. Zombies and More.


This evening I released Codeception 1.0.9. The most important thing you may notice is documentation. It’s just better. It was improved by Jon Phipps. Better phrasing goes to better understanding, right? But let’s move on to see the actual new features.

Zombies are coming!

Two new modules were intoduced by Alexander Bogdanov @synchrone. It’s new Selenium2 module and ZombieJS.

Ok, you may know about Selenium. But what is the purpose of Zombie?

Tools like ZombieJS, (PhantomJS, and more) are built in order to run tests without a browser. And so they are called headless. They don’t require a browser window to start, they don’t show any interactions on screen.

Why do we need browser for testing web applications? Only browser-based javascript engines can run all the client side code. ZombieJS is one of them, taken from browser and produced as a standalone tool. It’s built with Node.js and requires Node.js, NPM, a C++ compiler and Python to install. Check out it’s official site for more information.

Thanks to Mink from now on you can write ZombieJS tests inside Codeception just like tests for other cases.

Don’t run too fast!

Selenium and Selenium2 modules was updated with the new delay option. If Selenium performs actions faster the user, and javascript just can’t catch it it, you can slow down the execution by setting the delay param. It’s set in milliseconds and will perform pauses after each step in scenarios.

Composer Tricks

Seems like the PHP WebScrapper Goutte (which is used by PHPBroser module) has a new backend now. It has moved from Zend Framework 2 libraries to new lightweight HTTP client Guzzle. So, no more Zend dependencies and long stack trackes. This change doesn’t affect PEAR users, cause this change arrive in PEAR packages yet.

Thanks again to all contributors and reporters.

Please update Codeception version via PEAR:

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or via Composer

$ php composer.phar update

Test WebServices With Codeception


Codeception testing framework got significant improvements during last week. The first and the major one is that you don’t even need PEAR and Composer to execute tests. Only one file codecept.phar required. This might save your time and mind of your testers.

So Installation is much simplier now:

  1. Download archive.

  2. Execute it with PHP php codecept.phar

Now you can start generating a test suite with php codecept.phar bootstrap or execute existing tests with php codecept.phar run.

Documentation section was created. New section Reference was added. There you can review Codeception commands and configuration values.

But the most cool stuff is new module for testing web services!

Modules for SOAP and REST were added recently. You know it’s always hard to test the API manually. So why not to automate it?

This API modules keeps simple manner in describing tests. Take a look at sample REST test.

$I = new ApiGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('create a new user by API');
$I->sendPOST('/users', array('name' => 'davert' ));
$I->seeResponseContainsJson(array('result' => 'ok'));

And here goes a sample SOAP test:

use \Codeception\Utils\Soap;

$I = new ApiGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('create a new user thorough API');
$I->haveSoapHeader('Auth', array('token' => '123123'));
$I->sendSoapRequest('CreateUser', Soap::request()

Ok, the one thing you may have noticed. We are working with JSON in first case and XML in second. But there is no JSON or XML in code! Well, we could have used it, but we didn’t. Just because we can use PHP to set data in this formats. Json is built from PHP arrays and for XML is used jQuery-like styled XMLBuilder class. But you could possibly add a raw json or XMl into your tests. No problems with that!

Modules themselves are already documented and tested. Soon a complete guide on WebService API testing will be added.

The other thing worth to mention is new finalizers in test scenarios. If you need to execute code after test is finished and you don’t want to put it in helper use the $scenario->finilize method. See it’s usage example in new Manual Cleanup section of Guides.

This is Codeception 1.0.11. Download new version to run tests or update

via PEAR

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or via Composer

$ php composer.phar update

1.0.14 - Custom Assertions In Helpers


Hi, that’s been a while from the last release. But still Codeception is evolving. And today’s release notes I’m going to start with some thoughts on Codeception installation strategy.

For a long time a PEAR was the primary method for install. It had some issues and develoeprs got stuck with it. Nowdays alternative is a [Composer[(https://packagist.org)] which Codeception uses too. But nevertheless we consider it a bit complex too. Codeception is tool where everything is kept simple. We are trying to make it work even for junior developers and testers. So our primary goal is to provide a standalone version ‘codecept.phar’ which was introduced recently. In future version we will try to make it autoupdate itself (as Composer does).

It’s really cool cause it simplifies integration with CI systems and has less requirements to your PHP environment. Right now Codeception phar archive includes Symfony Components, Mink, PHPUnit in one file. So if you ever wanted to run PHPUnit tests without PEAR, the Codeception can be used that way too.

The major feature is related to current installation strategy. We finally added custom assertions to modules and user helper classes. Before that you should have used PHPUnit’s static methods for assertions. But now you can just write this->assertXXX in a helper class.

In next example we connect PhpBrowser module to helper and use assertion to check a menu exists for current user.

class WebHelper extends \Codeception\Module {

	function seeEditingToolsMenu()
		$content = $this->getModule('PhpBrowser')->session->getPage()->getContent();
		$this->assertContains('<a id="menu" href="#">Edit Post</a>',$content);


The Helpers section in Guides was totally rewritten to represent this change and provide more examples.

In this release a new module WebDebug was intorduced. It provides means to make screenshots with a single command. In case a screenshot can’t be saved, it tries at least save the HTML response to file. After the test you can review all saved files to see what actually happened during test.

Thanks to Andrey Popov for contributions.


  • click method for frameworks now accepts CSS selectors.

This is Codeception 1.0.14. Download new version to run tests or update

via PEAR

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or via Composer

$ php composer.phar update

Major Codeception Update


Hi, last week Codeception got it’s first major update. Welcome the Codeception 1.1. Many core classes were refactored to solve the common issues and reduce the level of dark magic inside. Only white magic left. And that’s really cool ‘cause you don’t need to study to source code to implement your custom hooks now. Codeception is rapidly evolving to be the professional testing tool, ready to use by testers and developers through out the PHP world.

Test Execution Remastered

Did you ever were wondered why you can’t receive values in test and pass it to next steps? To do something like this:

$user_name = $I->grabTextFrom('#user_name');
$I->fillField('username', $user_name);

Actually, there is no any good reason for not doing so. The only reason was - the code was not designed to execute test file in runtime. The steps were recorded, analyzed, and only then they were executed, without touching the test file again. That is the source of dark magic that was removed in Codeception 1.1. This magic was awful because you didn’t control the test execution. So, usage of custom PHP code in test was leading to unpredictable results. Even simple tasks was encouraged to be done in helpers, not in test code itself, to be run properly.

So what changed in Codeception 1.1? There is no magic in test execution, test file is required and executed, that’s all. Still the analyzes step is not skipped, so test is run two times: first to record scenario, validate and analyze all steps, second to execute them. With that simple idea you can use ANY php code in your tests if only you define the stage when it should be executed. The additional bootstrap files should be loaded one time before the analyses:

if ($scenario->preload()) {
	require '_user_fixtures.php';
$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
// ...


And when you need something to be executed in runtime, like cleaning the fixture data, please use the following:

// ..

$I->see('Hello, '.$user->name);
if ($scenario->running()) {

In this example user is removed in the very end of scenario. $scenario->running method allows you to execute any code in the runtime. But please, always specify the stage when the custom code should be executed, or it will be executed 2 times.

In Codeception 1.0.x the build command was optional, when updating configuration. But now it’s required to run every time the modules are added or removed in suite config file. That’s the only new issue, but Guy-classes look much better now.


As the result of changed described above, you can finally return values to scenario and use them in next steps. The new grabbers commands were introduced:

$text = $I->grabTextFrom($element);
$value = $I->grabValueFrom($form_field);
$attr = $I->grabAttributeFrom($element, 'attribute');

$name = $I->grabFromDatabase('users', 'name', array('id' => 1));
// ....


You can write your own grabbers. Just return values from your helper methods and you can use them in test. Please review the modules to see new commands there!

XPath Introduction

Codeception is a tool for testing, and many testers like specifying locators by XPath. CSS selectors have their limitations, so why not to use XPath in tests too? Sure, why not! You can freely use XPath selectors in your tests from now. But no new methods added for this! Really. The old methods were updated to support CSS and XPath as well. So whenever you need to pass a selector you can either pass CSS or XPath and Codeception is smart enough to guess what did you pass and how to use it.

$I->click('New User');
$I->click('#user_1 .user_new');
$I->click("descendant::*[@id = 'user_1']/descendant::a");

All the methods where CSS was used were updated to support XPath. Try it!

Unit Tests

There was no common idea how to deal with unit tests in Codeception. As you know, Codeception can run standard PHPUnit tests as well as the hybrid scenario-driven unit tests. Scenario driven tests for many cases looked to complex to use. But they allowed to use Codeception modules in them. Why not to provide standard PHPUnit tests to use Codeception features? For Codeception 1.1 the new chapter of Guides describing unit tests is written. In brief: you can use the CodeGuy class inside your tests! Include any modules and use it as you need it. Use them to perform database cleanups, use them to check values in database, use them to work with file system. They are just wonderful helpers in your work.

And yep, new unit tests can be generated by command: generate:test.

Bugfixes and Minor changes

  • nested array logging was done by tiger-seo
  • ability to specify different configs for test execution, also done by (tiger-seo)
  • ZF1 module fixes by insside

Upgrade notes.

  • right after updating Codeception please run the build command.
  • remove all chained method executions in your tests. The $I object can return values, not self.

Codeception 1.1 can be downloaded from site,

via PEAR

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or via Composer

$ php composer.phar update

P.S. Documentation was updated for 1.1 version.

Codeception with AMQP and Memcached


Good news, everyone! Codeception 1.1.2 released. And it’s hard to list everything that were improved and fixed, but i will try. With the help of our active contributor tiger.seo Codeception got an AMQP module wich allows to manipulate queue engines, like RabbitMQ. You can use this module if you need to clear queues between tests. Also, new Memcache module was introduced. You can perform simple checks and use data from your Memcache storage in tests. Guys, it’s very simple to contribute to Codeception. All new modules are welcome, they can grow from your local helpers and become part of this library. Just fork Codeception, add a module and send me a pull request!

UX Improvements

You should regenerate your guy-classes after this update with the build command. Rebuilt Guy-classes will contain full documentation for each method and link to the source code of underlying method. Also, with the help of tiger.seo Codeception got better PHPStorm integration. Codeception when run in PHPStorm console outputs stack traces that is recognized by PHPStorm. So you can click on any file name and move to it in IDE.

Save Scenarios as HTML

You know that there is --html option which saves results of running tests in HTML. But now you can save the test scenarios in HTML without running them. That’s quite useful if you want to save test scenarios into your company’s wiki. The HTML format can inserted into Confluence, for example. And now testers, managers, and developers will have the test scenarios up to date. Yep, thanks again to tiger.seo.

PEAR Updates

PEAR package was completely redesigned. Codeception is not using PEAR as a dependency manager anymore, Composer is ok. But PEAR is quite useful if you want a system-wide install, and simple call to Codeception with codecept command. PEAR package now contains all dependent modules and doesn’t require PHPUnit or Mink installed anymore. That will prevent possible conflicts and reduce level of PEAR-related wtfs.

Bugs Fixed

Codeception 1.1.2 can be downloaded from site,

via PEAR

$ pear install codeception/Codeception

or via Composer

$ php composer.phar update
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